Fresh home grown herbs with no chemicals sold door to door

I deliver fresh herbs grown in my back yard to my neighbors in Western Shawnee. Hand picked and chemical-free.

See my selection below.


Common in most cuisines across the world, thyme is a popular herb in beef, lamb, chicken and wild game dishes.


Strong flavored herb that lends a savory punch to meats especially. Very common in European dishes.


We grow “apple mint” specifically. Mint isn’t just a dessert garnish. It’s very popular in Middle Eastern, East European and Far Eastern foods.


One of the best herbs in preparing chicken and wild birds. The smell reminds you of baked Thanksgiving turkey and dressing.


Tempermental herb renowned in Mediterranean and Asian cultures typically added at the end of cooking for fresh herb flavor.


Delicate little onions added at the end of cooking for both color, and a slight zing. Common in foods the world over.


One of the most common herbs in many different ethnic cuisines. An absolute must for Mexican dishes, Greek and other Mediterranean foods.


A sub-species of oregano, this herb is much more delicate and sweeter. It’s noticeably more floral and woodsy also.


A delicate, mild herb that tastes somewhat like parsley with a touch of tarragon. Great with seafood and light chicken or game bird dishes.


The leaves of this plant are a great herb for game meats like venison, bison, boar or game birds, though it works well with beef too. The leaves are used as an herb and are much milder than the flower.


*currently unavailable*

Like lavender, the leaves of chamomile add a floral flavor wherever they are used that is much milder than the flower. The flower is also edible and will sometimes accompany the leaves.


Most popular in French dishes, this herb adds great flavor to seafood dishes. It balances well with acids and butter sauces. A must if you love a good Bearnaise sauce.


*currently out of season*

Another herb popular in Greek and Mediterranean dishes, dill is also crucial for pickling and makes a great additional to prepared salads and dressings.


*currently out of season*

This herb is citrusy and a must for great Mexican and Vietnamese dishes. It’s also used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines to a great extent.


*coming soon*

One of the most popular and commonly used herbs, parsley adds a touch of color and freshness to any dish. It’s used to some degree by most cuisines.

Our herbs come in small $3 portions to limit the waste that happens with large herb packages you buy from the grocery store.

If you are unsatisfied with your herbs for any reason, please contact me and I will replace them for free.